Maddy, Poppy (Maddys foal) and Elly (Maddys sister) went to their new adoptive family Tracie and Dave, and their 3 beautiful horses in the Haute Vienne countryside.
Maddy and Elly are sisters of Asal who also found a new home through us.
We are very grateful that Tracie and Dave decided to offer all 3 donkeys a home, thus allowing this little family to be able to stay together for life.
Poppy the foal had never been handled until today, but whilst they were all still in the trailer we took the opportunity to get headcollars on and worm them all before letting them off.

Poppy happily jumps into her new field….
Tracie’s 3 horses soon got used to their new big eared friends – even if 30 year old Trigger did find the braying a little intrusive to start with.

The donkeys soon made themselves at home after playing follow-my-leader for several laps of the field whilst checking out their new territory.