The Chief Veterinary Officers of France, Ireland and the United Kingdom (the
signatory countries) agree that:
1) Basis of the Agreement
1.1 The purpose of the agreement is to define the animal health conditions
governing the movement of equidae between signatory countries (France,
Ireland and the United Kingdom) and to state the requirements for these
countries to notify each other of outbreaks of certain diseases, and of the
control measures they may put in place.
1.2 The agreement is based on Article 6 of Council Directive 90/426 EEC on animal
health conditions governing the movement and import from third countries of
equidae. Article 6 allows Member States to grant one another derogations from
the requirements for inspection and certification prior to movement and trade
between them provided that equivalent animal health guarantees are
2) Definitions
2.1 “Equidae” means domestic animals of the equine or asinine species or
crossbreeds thereof.
2.2 “Registered equidae” means equidae registered as defined in Council Directive
90/427/EEG, identified by means of an identification document issued by the
breeding authority or any other competent authority of the country where the
animal originated which manages the studbook or register for that breed of
animal or any international association or organisation which manages horses
for competition or racing.
2.3 “Equidae for slaughter” means equidae intended to be transported either directly
or after transit through a market or an approved marshalling centre to the
slaughterhouse for slaughter.
2.4 “Equidae for breeding and production” means equidae other than those
mentioned in 2.2 and 2.3.
2.5 “Listed disease” means one of the equine diseases listed in Annex I of this
3) Exemptions Under the Agreement
3.1 In the case of movement between the United Kingdom, Ireland and France,
registered equidae and equidae for breeding and production are exempt from
the requirement for an inspection as set out in article 4 (1), second sentence,
and a health certificate as laid down in Annex B or Annex C of Council Directive
3.2 Registered equidae are exempt from the requirement for the route plan required
under Council Directive 91/628/EEC (as amended) and Council Regulation No
4) Documentation
4. 1 Equidae moved between the United Kingdom, Ireland and France must be
accompanied by a passport as laid down in Commission Decision 93/623/EEC
(as amended by Commission Decision 2000/68/EC).
4.2 Equidae for slaughter must, in addition, be accompanied by a health certificate
as laid down in Annex C of Council Directive 90/426/EEC.
4.3 Equidae other than registered equidae must be accompanied by a route plan
when required under Council Directive 91/628/EEC (as amended) and Council
Regulation No 1/2005.
5) Notification of Disease Outbreaks
5.1 Without prejudice to the requirements of Article 3 of Council Directive
82/894/EEC (as amended), signatory countries will notify each other of any
confirmed outbreak of a disease listed in Annex I within 24 hours of
confirmation. The affected signatory country will notify any further significant
epidemiological developments relating to the disease outbreak likely to
increase the risk of spread of disease to the other signatory countries.
5.2 The notifications referred to in paragraph 5.1 will include the information laid
down in Annex II and will be communicated either by the ADNS system or by e-
mail or fax.
5.3 Each signatory country will provide an annual summary of its equine health
status with respect to the listed diseases. This summary will be sent to the
other signatory countries by 15 March of the following year.
6) Application of Animal Health Controls
6.1 In the case of an outbreak of the following diseases listed below, signatory
countries will apply the prohibition measures set out in Articles 4(5) and 5 of
Council Directive 90/426/EEC:
African horse sickness, dourine, glanders, equine encephalomyelitis, equine
infectious anaemia, vesicular stomatitis, rabies and anthrax.
6.2 In the case of other equine disease listed in Annex I, signatory countries may
apply national controls and shall inform each other of any controls in place.
7) Changes in Policy
7. Signatory countries will inform each other of any significant changes in policy
regarding the control of any of the diseases listed in Annex I.
8 ) Workinq Arranqements for the Operation of the Aqreement
8.1 The signatory countries will hold meetings at least annually, and technical
working groups as necessary, to discuss and review issues relating to the
Agreement. The venues for these meetings will rotate between the signatory
8.2 Each signatory country will nominate a contact or contacts responsible for
issues in connection with the agreement and for liaison with the equine industry
and other stakeholders within the signatory country. Signatory countries will
inform each other of the details of their nominated contacts and any changes
9) Suspension of the Agreement
9.1 Without prejudice to any safeguard measures introduced under European
Community rules, the operation of the agreement may be suspended without
prior notice by any of the signatory countries in the case of serious risk to animal
or public health. The suspension must be reviewed after a period of no more
than 30 days from the date of suspension. The Commission shall be notified
9.2 In the case of non-compliances which may lead to a risk to animal or public
health, any of the signatory countries may propose the suspension of the
agreement. The proposed period of suspension shall commence only after the
country concerned has been informed and been given the opportunity to
comment. The period allowed for comment shall not exceed 30 days from the
time the country concerned was informed. The Commission may, in the case of
suspension of the agreement, be notified thereof.
10) Withdrawal from the Agreement
10. A signatory country must give 6 months notice in writing if it intends to withdraw
from the agreement. The Commission, in the case of termination of the
agreement, shall be notified thereof.
11) Replacing Previous Agreement
11. This document replaces any previous version of the Tripartite Agreement
between France, Ireland and the United Kingdom concerning the movement
and trade of equidae.
This document was signed by the CVOs of the United Kingdom, Ireland and France
on 18 May 2005
v Diseases Listed under the Agreement:
Disease Subject to Notification under Article 3 of Council Directive 82/894/EEC (as
African Horse Sickness
Equine Encephalomyelitis (of all types, including Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis)
Equine Infectious Anaemia
Vesicular Stomatitis
Diseases Also Subject to Notification under this Agreement
Borna Disease
Contagious Equine Metritis
Equine Viral Arteritis
Epizootic Lymphangitis
Hendra Virus Infection
Information to be Given under the Notification Required by Paragraph 5.1
in Relation to any Confirmed Outbreak of a Disease Listed in Annex I
1. Date of dispatch
2. Time of dispatch
3. Country of origin
4. Name of disease and identification of the agent, as appropriate
5. Serial number of outbreak
6. Type of outbreak
7. Reference number of outbreak linked to this outbreak
8. Region and geographical location of the holding
9. Other region affected by restrictions
10. Date of confirmation
11. Date of suspicion
12. Date of estimation of first infection
13. Origin of disease
14. Control measures taken
15. Number of susceptible animals on
16. Number of animals clinically affected on premises
17. Number of animals that have died on premises
18. Number of stock slaughtered
19. Number of carcasses destroyed
20. (Estimated) date of completion of killing
21. (Estimated) date of completion of destruction
Interpretation guidelines for Tripartite Agreement
2,3 Registered equidae when transported for slaughter, either directly or
passing through an assembly centre or market before slaughter, are
regarded as equidae for slaughter.
3.1 Equidae for slaughter are not exempt from the requirement to be
accompanied by a health certificate.
3.1 Equidae imported into the Community in accordance with Community
rules are covered by the agreement.
4.2 Equidae for slaughter are subject to notification of movement via Traces
4.3 Directive 91/628 does not apply to transports which are not of a
commercial nature.
5.3 The annual report is to be submitted in the format of the annual report to OIE.
Where the CVO judges that there was a significant change in policy
regarding control of any of the listed diseases, this should be notified.
An item will be placed on the annual agenda for the annual meeting to
report on any changes that have taken place and any future changes
Annex I The agreement does not impose an obligation on the signatory countries
to make diseases notifiable, or to carry out active surveillance for any of
the listed diseases.