Neglected donkeys – A positive outcome!
Posted by on Sep 8, 2011 in Association News, Welfare | 2 commentsLast month we were reported a case of 2 donkeys with terribly overgrown hooves. We see so many cases like this, often on a weekly basis, but it nice to be able to report such a rapid and positive outcome. We have to thank not only the person who alerted us to their plight, but also the DDSV in department 79, who have always responded to our welfare cases so efficiently and swiftly, as they went straight out to see these donkeys after receiving our written plainte.
These 2 donkeys have now had their feet attended to and a vet and farrier report were submitted this week to the DDSV confirming this. We hope that the owner will now respect the law and not allow his donkeys to suffer the pain and discomfort that this type of neglect brings.
Investigating and reporting welfare cases uses up a lot of our resources each year.We do not receive outside funding, so please help us by donating or fundraising so that we can continue to help them.
Our neighbour has a donkey whose hooves have not been trimmed, so are now beginning to turn upwards. To whom do we report this? There are also two ponies, belonging to the same person & they are very thin & undernourished. We don’t know who to approach about this, Advice, please, as we don’t like to see animals suffer.
Anne, please contact us at and we’ll try to help.