Posted by on Jan 12, 2010 in Association News, Campaigns | 5 commentsEvery year, 100,000 horses are transported across Europe for slaughter.
These cruel and barbaric journeys have to be stopped. There is no reason for this live transport to continue when horses can be slaughtered at source and transported as carcasses.
It is totally unneccessary for horses to leave France alive to be slaughtered in other EU countries. In France alone there are 111 abattoirs approved to slaughter horses.
It is extremely urgent we contact our MEPs before the 21st January to ask them to sign the Written Declaration 54/2009.
If more than half of all MEPs sign this before 21st January 2010, we will be one step closer to ending these brutal and hugely inappropriate journeys.
If less than half of the MEPs support the Declaration it will fail, weakening the case for new laws ending the long-distance transportation of horses to slaughter in the European Union.
Please take a few minutes to write to your MEPs so we can end these needless long haul journeys of horses to slaughter. We have downloadable copies of the letter in both French and English.
It’s so simple………in the link below go to your region, find the MEPs for your area, click on the email address, copy and paste the relevant language document from the Word Documents below, sign as yourself, and SEND!
Please do this, your effort could be the difference that changes an opinion, and the future for these horses.
To find your MEP in Europe, go to this LINK, click on your country and then your region.
Please stop this unnecessary cruelty now. The transportation of all animals in terrible conditions is wrong and a shame on the whole human race that we allow it to happen. We must speak up for them NOW!
Hi folks, I e-mailed my 10 MEPs with your letter this afternoon and have had one very quick + successful reply so far:
Chère Madame,
J’ai bien reçu votre email, en date du 15 Janvier 2010, m’alertant sur la grande violence infligée aux chevaux lors de leur transport en Europe, et m’invitant à signer la déclaration écrite 54/2009. Je vous en remercie.
J’ai le plaisir de vous informer que, sensible à votre appel et conscient de la nécessité d’agir pour stopper ces violences, j’ai signé cette déclaration écrite.
Je vous remercie une nouvelle fois, et vous prie de croire, chère Madame, en l’expression de ma sincère considération.
Député au Parlement européen
Rue Wiertz, 60
B- 1047 Bruxelles
Tél : + 32 2 284 58 30 + 32 2 284 58 30
Fax : + 32 2 284 98 30
Thank you for your efforts in contacting the MEP’s, we need to keep the pressure on as time is running out for them to sign.
Hello – I think we’re running into problems everyone !!!
II’m a UK ex-Pat in France. I’ve sent e-mails to my regional MEPs in the UK (where I can vote) – out of 6 MEPs – 2 responded – the other 4 ‘bounced back the e-mails.
Here in France (also eligible to vote) – I sent the French version to the 10 MEPs; 4 of the e-mails were ‘bounced back’ and 6 no response from the other MEPs.
I think people in Italy trying to do the same are also have ALL their e-mails bounced back.
So we, the little people who voted for this load of parasites, and pay their wages, and hand over money to them – are IGNORED when we try to contact them.
Says a lot for Democracy in our wonderful La-La Land of the EU doesn’t it ?
Ah well, I’ll keep on with the e-mails – but it’s a bit soul-destroying knowing that they are all probably ending up in the ‘bin’ somewhere.
Can’t we think of another way of getting their attention ??
Regards – Cinnabar
A lot of people have had the same problems regarding emails bouncing back and we have reported this back to the people in charge of the campaign.
We do however have a plan in motion for naming and shaming those MEP’s too rude to respond and will post the details on here shortly!