Maurs Horse Fair
Posted by on Oct 23, 2009 in Abuse, Association News, Campaigns | 0 commentsYesterday was a long and difficult day for us at ERF. We travelled down into Cantal, to Maurs, to monitor their autumn horse fair. It is one of the biggest horse markets in France, with the majority of the equines sold going into the meat chain.
The conditions and treatment of some of the horses was very shocking and disturbing to witness, with no apparent welfare regulations in place for the horses. We will publish our report on the blog once we have collated all our photographic and video evidence. We are more determined than ever to push for improvements to be made at the Horse Fairs such as these. For this, we will need to call on public support, so please watch this space, the misery these animals endure is unacceptable.

A horse yesterday awaiting it's fate...