Look how our rescued friends have progressed…
Posted by on Aug 19, 2008 in Donkeys, Rescues | 0 commentsOne of the best parts of my job is when I receive updates on how the ERF rescues are getting on. The Guardians (our new name for adopters) are all such wonderful caring people and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their dedication to these guys and gals.
A few words from Hugo’s Guardians…
“Hi just a little hello from all of us and Hugo!
Pippa is really enjoying having Hugo this summer – I still can’t believe she actually WANTS to get up in the mornings!
He is jumping little courses now! He is cantering happily on both leads and is really enjoying himself. During a nice rainy bit we had last week I had the chance to ride Jasper in the school with pippa and hugo, we had such fun! The horses enjoyed jumping together and we spent a happy hour playing.
Hugo is truly exceptional. I find it truly amazing that Hugo trusts us after what he has been through.”
‘Hugo isn’t a horse… he’s a hero’
From Annie’s Guardians….