At the groupage yard where we saved Titos, the 2 yr old male donkey who is going to his new home next week, we have been saddened to hear of the plight of three female donkeys there. Whilst we generally do not publish details of animals going to the abattoir as there are so many of them, these 3 have touched us as they are all presumed pregnant.A long, traumatic journey to an abattoir in their current state particularly as one has slipper feet, would have been too much for them. Belle, Lena and Nanette are 2, 6 and 10 years old.
Timing is paramount as the farmer has already sold 9 to the meat trade recently before we could intervene and these could leave at any time.
ERF are trying to find a solution to stop their departure to the abattoir – if you can help in any way, please contact us urgently.
If you can help please contact us at or go direct to Nouvelle Vie .
Are all three are saved? I hope so. If we could have found funding we would take one but thankfully looking like good news. Well done ERF.