AGM update
Posted by on Jun 4, 2008 in Association News | 1 commentFriday 30th May saw our first Annual General Meeting which passed rather quietly (thankfully after our difficulties earlier in the year!). As many of our members live quite a way away from us, we received lots of apologies but we were extremely pleased to receive many proxy votes with their supportive messages – thank you!
After an overview of the association news to date, we ran through the 2007 accounts and our plans for 2008 before re-electing the officers for the next year. With an overwhelming 95% of the votes cast (40 votes for, 2 votes abstaining) the existing officers were re-elected and the plans approved.
We were pleased to welcome French News to our AGM and we will be releasing a press release to the other media. Minutes of the AGM will be posted on the website and our members will be notified by e-mail.
Well done to you all for what you are doing, and glad you got such a good percentage of votes to support you in your continued work to try and make a difference to the plight of equines in France, and especially trying to make a difference in stopping the horrendous journeys these poor animals endure before being killed for human consumption.
I have signed the petitions to stop horse transport, as linked from your site, and urge everyone else to do so, and publicise to as many people as possible.
Supporting you in everything you do.