Little Annie saved in the nick of time
Posted by on May 6, 2008 in Donkeys, Rescues | 0 commentsERF are delighted to report that they helped to facilitate the rescue and re-homing of a lovely 9 month old donkey called Annie last weekend.
Annie had been due to go to market the past weekend where her future would have been very uncertain – many of the foals from this market are taken straight for slaughter. Each year the farmer who owned Annie’s mother would breed a foal from her and then take the foal to be sold at market…weaning them that morning!
Luckily Annie was saved that distress and has found a wonderful home with her new owner in Brittany. The photo below was taken just 10 minutes after arriving home so you can see how relaxed and happy she is.
ERF would like to thank Diane who acted tirelessly on Annie’s behalf and to Annie’s new family Jennie and Simon, for giving her this chance of a new life. ERF will continue to campaign to stop the long distance live transport of all equines across Europe – little Annie is only one of the many thousands of animals facing this cruel trip.